The Sinus Milieu is a psychographic method for establishing the different socio-cultural groupings to which a person belongs to. It is often used in marketing to define the target groups. The idea was developed by the french sociologist Emile Durkheim. On the next double page is a rarely used version by another French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, in the form of an axis model. Bourdieu's analysis of cultural consumption challenges us to think about our deep rooted cultural preferences and practises.
The narrowness of the Sinus groups is often criticised. It is true it can not answer the question where do I belong if my father was a bus driver, my mother a hippie, I am a fashion designer and in my spare time I hang out with my friends at the golf club? ' The popularity of the model can be explained by the lock in principal: If we get used to something new or different that might be better.
Nearly all market research and market analysis use the Sinus Millieu model, despite its limitations. It shows us that if a majority have become used to one system it is difficult for another system to establish itself. Habit is stronger than desire improvement.
Our origins are our future. Martin Heidegger
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