There is often a big gap between what we think and what we do when we do something despite is immoral, wrong or stupid, we have a conscience. The psychologist Leon Festinger used the term 'cognative dissonance' to describe our state of mind when our actions are not consistent with our beliefs- For example when we smack a child, even though we condemn violence against children. But why do we do we find it so difficult to recoginase our mistakes Why do we even go as far as defending our actions when we are confronted with their short comings? Rather than asking for forgiveness, we embark on one of the more unlikeable human attributes, self justification. This acts as a protective mechanism that enables us to sleep at night and frees us from self doubt. We see only what we want to see, and ignore everything that contradicts our view. We look for arguments that reinforce our position. But how can we overcome this dissonance? Either by changing our behaviour or attitude.
A great nation is like a great man when he makes a mistake, he realises it, he admits it. Having admitted it, he corrects it. he considers those who point out his faults as his most benevolent teaches Lao Tzu
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