In 2002 the urbanist Richard Florida came forward with her interesting theory. Do people really follow jobs? Not anymore he claimed. Today jobs follow people because of the close link between growth and creativity, there is a battle for creative talent. The winners of this battle will not be Nations of cities and regions that can offer a combination of the '3T's':
- Technology: Growth needs technology and high technology centres offer attractive employment opportunities.
- Talent: Growth needs creative people entrepreneurs, programmers, artists
- Tolerance: Growth needs openness, immigration on alternative approaches to life do not jeopardize future success (as Europe's neoconservative sides claim) but a condition for it. Change emerges from openness.
We want to add another to these three factors
Time Perspective: Florida also says, creativity stimulated by exchange, it takes place in communities and real places. Therefore it is not enough to throw a lot of creative people together extract their creative energy and set new ones where they used up. Creativity does not emerge in Skype conferences, creativity comes from relationships between people. If a company succeeds in retaining it's employees for several years, trust, tolerance and creativity will develop. Incidentally the same applies to people's relationships to cities and regions.
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Where would you like to live?
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