Wednesday, 14 September 2016


Lazysalesxpert Julie Sulter
How to change your own point of view. When the creative thinking Guru Edward De Bono presented his Six Thinking Hats in 1986 critics dismissed the idea as just a bit of fun. De Bono's idea was to assign the members of a working group a temporary one dimensional point of view. Today the technique is widely accepted and De Bono's six hats are used as a team meeting technique to simulate communication and create playful scenarios. How it works, strategies are discussed by the members of a group during the discussion all members are given a hat colour with a personality to match. Each of the six points of view of the colour hat are important. All members of the group where the same colour hat at the same time these are the characteristics associated with each colour white hat analytical objective thinking the emphasis on facts and feasibility, redhat emotional thinking subjective feelings perceptions and opinions, blackhat critical thinking risk assessment identifying problems scepticism critique, yellow hat optimistic thinking speculative best case scenario, greenhat creative associate thinking new ideas brainstorming constructive, blue hats structured thinking process driven the big picture. Beware the meeting must be moderated to ensure the team members do not slip out of their designated roll. Teams in which the members have similar views and character traits don't work as well. If you have a good idea but fear it may meet with strong resistance try to lead the discussion in such a way that the other members of the group think that they came up with the idea themselves the more people feel that they have originated an idea the more passionately they fight for its implementation. If nobody claims to have come up with the idea, perhaps it wasn't a good idea in the first place.
 I never did anything alone, what was accomplished was accomplished collectively Golda Meir

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