Saturday, 17 September 2016

What happens if nothing happens anymore?

Lazy salesxpert Julie SulterWhat happens. If nothing happens anymore. What is the engine of history. There is a rock to theories that deal directly or indirectly with this question. Thomas Hobbes believed in the survival instinct, Adam Smith in self interest, Karl Marx in the class struggle. George Wilhelm Frederick Hagel said the engine that led us from primeval tribal society through serfdorm to democracy was the struggle for recognition. According to his philosophy historical development is about the recognition of the individual. History ends in a state without political contradictions in which the human desire for recognition is satisfied. In the liberal democratic state. (Karl Marx approach was similar but the development he described had a different name a communist and classless society, which is not based on the principle of recognition but on redistribution). Hagel believed the end of history had been reached in 1806 When Napoleon defeated Prussia in the battle of Jena, which signified the triumph of the French Revolution and the aristocracy. Fredrich Nietzsche was also influenced by Hagel. He called a person who receives recognition in the Hegelian sense 'the last man'. Everyone wants the same, everybody is the same whoever feels different goes voluntary into a mad house. We have invented happiness say the last men and they blink. 
 In the 1990’s the American political scientist Francis Fukuyama ceased the notion all of the end of history and proclaimed that it had materialized the end of the Cold War since only one system had survived. Liberal capitalism. He was severely criticized. His critics called terrorist attacks of September 11 the end of history. Fukuyama was refuted most convincingly. By the facts the great powers such as Russia and China remained authoritarian states. Which have little in common with liberal democracy. But still become ever  richer thanks to capitalism. Fukuyama defeated this argument pointing to the fact. That even the recent financial crisis have not resulted in a fundamental change of the capitalist economic system and that even more recent revelations that uprising in Arab countries were inspired by western liberal values. In short history is still at an end. 
So what next? Fukuyama predicted an age of boredom. Once history had ended the terrible feeling that in a world without contradictions in which everything is possible nothing has value anymore what are the possible consequences. 
History could start again or repeat itself. 
A return to nationalism, as crisis driven Europe indicates. 
A renaissance of communism.
A step towards a New World order. 

It is completely wrong to imagine. That Arab revolutionaries want the same liberal capitalism that exists in the West. Slavoj Zizek

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