Saturday, 24 September 2016


Lazy salesxpert ulie SulterFour observations at the start of the 21st century:
1. In English there will soon be more brands than words .
2. We are using more and more complicated channels and more and more money to reach fewer and fewer people.
3. Consumers are increasingly better informed about things I buy.
4. There are some initial signs of brand saturation. And some initial reactions in San Paulo every form of outdoor advertising has been banned and since 2009, the fashion brand Freshjive no longer uses it's brand logo on it's products .

What's going on here?

Hundreds of models of tried to explain how to win the battle for Consumer attention in a saturated market. What none of these models want to admit was noted by the communications exert Klaus Bernsau back in 2005. 'Although everyone is talking about brands there is still no universal and accepted brand theory'.

Our trust in brands seems to be unshakable and irrational as religious belief. Quietroom, the British brand language consultants recently developed an unscientific model that shows how people trust in the three brand's 'Father Christmas', 'God' and 'Socialism' changes they get older.

'The brand used to represent the company now the company represents the brand' Christoph Eschmann

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