Corruption is the abuse of intrusted power for personal advantage. It can range from small facilitation payments to corruption networks. Corruption is not only ethically reprehensible, it also distorts compensation: the resulting damage amounts to an estimated billion dollars.
What you need to know?
Corruption involves at least two parties: the one who pays a bribe and the one who takes it. When it comes to large sums, there is usually a third party involved who hides the money, usually an offshore financial Centre.
Our model shows these three forms of corruption based on data from globally recognised indices:
- Pay Money BPI bribe payers interdex
- Take Monies CPI corruption perception index
- Hide Monies FSI financial secrecy index
What you can do?
Most important weapon against corruption is transparency. Transparency party financing, transparent administration, transparent reporting by multinationals. For example it will be a start if mining and exploration companies required to disclose payments made to governments of source rich countries.
'Corruption profits a minority in the short term, but everyone suffers in the long term. Let's exclude and ostracize those who don't want to understand this'. Dr Christian Humborg, Transparency International
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