Sunday, 9 October 2016


Lazysalesxpert Julie SulterWe know micro mavens use their rich blog to publish rich and social networking mediums share links to their posts, videos as well as other people's content, they are also big on using Twitter and Facebook to connect and engage with people from around the world.

But it's one thing to want to add value and help others, it's another thing to actually do it on a regular basis. It takes certain mindset to consistently produce valuable content and chat freely with the world especially if you've spent years in youth building knowledge and expertise. It goes against the grain of conventional thinking to give stuff away.

Brian Solis, author and micro maven in his own right describes a practice of solving people's problems are constantly creating and distributing free content as relentless giving. This notion of producing high quality content relevant to your area of expertise and sharing that with your tribal community on a regular basis is not easy, but it is what sorts the wheat from the chaff.

And its not just about content, it takes time and energy to help others to connect to like minded people online and in person to answer questions and provide advice, freely, without the expectation of getting anything in return. To be frank most people couldn't be bothered. There more interested in themselves or orientated towards ensuring some sort of short term income is generated by the energy invested.

Not so the micro maven. They get involved. They help others, they provide content that informs and entertains. It takes time and not inconsiderable effort. There's no guarantee that this practice will lead to anything in terms of revenue. You have to want to do it because it's in your blood. Sharing is the fuel of the passion. Micro mavens are actually big hearted impassioned people who cannot help but get involved in a positive way in other people's lives, sometimes to their detriment because of the time involved, but ultimately it's what sets them apart from the more inward looking entrepreneur. The pay off eventually comes in the form of sales from committed fans and customers, as well companies and organizations, will want to buy from their brand in one form or another.

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